Saturday, March 14, 2009

Good Words ...

"Good words are worth much and cost little." ~ George Herbert

We need to be deliberate about filling up our loved ones with encouraging words to build them up. Not that we can give anyone self-worth, that only comes from the fact that God made us and loves us, but at the same time our encouragement can be the strength they need to press on or to reach more of their full potential. The power of an encouraging word ...

The word encourage means "to put courage into, to give strength".

The first thing we can teach our children at a very young age is that they matter first and foremost to their Creator. Their worth is not based on what others think or what they do, but who they are in Christ. A car is a car and valuable, but it will only go someplace if it has gas put in it. Our encouraging words can be the gas in someone's proverbial tank to give them the courage and strength to accomplish their goals and go places!

"An anxious heart weighs a man down,
but a kind word cheers him up."
~ Proverbs 12:25
How often we find time and ways to correct our children, and yes that is part of our training, but our challenge is to also find and encourage the positive. Yesterday we studied the Fruit of the Spirit in our own lives ... let's be on the lookout for it also in the lives of those around us and as young mothers especially in the lives of our children. Encourage that kind of behavior when you see it in others:
We can also appreciate and encourage people by their talents and abilities. If you begin being a "Detective of Positive Potential" you will find many reasons to offer sincere compliments to those you come in contact with. Just add a smile and a say "I appreciate that you ____________" and fill in the blank. I appreciate the lady at the gym who meets my children with a warm smile and a hug. That is a point in my day I look forward to.
You see becoming a positive mom or positive person not only helps those whose lives you speak the encouragement to, it also helps you to become a more thankful, appreciative and yes, positive person.
"I have yet to find the man, however exalted his station,
who did not do better work and put forth greater effort
under a spirit of approval than under a spirit of criticism."
~ Charles Schwab
The best way to practice this spirit of encouragement and positive accolades is to begin by praising the Father, everyday, at the beginning and end of your day.
I will praise the LORD all my life.
I will sing praise to my God as long as I live. ~ Psalms 146:2
As we focus on the praiseworthy qualities of The Almighty and form a habit of praising Him, we can't help but to become a more thankful, positive and encouraging person to those around us.
"The LORD, The LORD God, merciful and gracious,
longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth.
Keeping mercy for thousands,
forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin ...
And Moses made haste
and bowed his head toward the earth
and worshipped."
~ Exodus 34:6-8
13 Attributes of God to Praise
1) The LORD Adonai — compassion before man sins;
2) The LORD Adonai — compassion after man has sinned;
3) God El — Ruler, mighty in compassion to give all creatures according to their need;
4) Compassionate (Rachum) — merciful, that mankind may not be distressed;
5) Gracious (Chanun) — gracious & merciful even if we are non-deserving
6) Slow to anger (Erech appayim) — giving time to reflect, improve & repent;
7) Abundant in kindness (Rav chesed) — plenteous in mercy; giving more than we deserve, if one's personal behavior is evenly balanced between virtue and sin, God tips the scales of justice toward the good.
8) True (Emet) — true to His WORD;
9) Keeping mercy for generations (Notzer chesed laalafim) — keeping mercy unto thousands and to generations before and after us teaching us to remember our forefathers;
10) Forgiver of Iniquity (Noseh avon) — forgiving iniquity~intentional sins;
11) Forgiving willful sins (Noseh peshah) — forgiving transgression~rebellion;
12) Forgiving errors (Noseh chatah) — forgiving sin~carelessness, thoughtlessness;
13) Cleansing (Venakeh) — and pardoning those who truly repent and turn from their sin.
"O Lord, hear our voice in the morning; in the morning we set them before You with hopeful expectation. Hear our voice…"

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