Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Doubts and Fears

Scripture:  Matthew 10:26–11:6


Observation:  Today’s verses are not easy to swallow.  Jesus says in His opening statements that being bold for Him may turn some against you, but by way of encouragement He also says He will take care of us (vs. 30-31).


As we open up Chapter 11 this begins a new section of teaching.  Here we can learn several things about Yeshua the Messiah.  Throughout Chapter 11 and 12 we will learn:

1.       He is the Christ (Messiah) (vs. 2)

2.     He came after John the Baptist (see Malachi 4:5-6)

3.     He is the Son of Man (11:19)

4.    He is the Lord’s Servant (12:18)

5.     He is the Son of David (12:23)

6.     He had the Spirit of God on Him (12:18, 28, 32)

7.     His miracles show that God’s Kingdom had come (11:20 and 12:28)


Some of these things were hidden from certain people like the Pharisees, but God shows them so that many might believe.  In verses 1-6 today we see that He showed them to the poor and those who had doubts so they might believe.  When John the Baptist had doubts Jesus answered him with some of the Old Testament prophecies from Isaiah 29, 35 and 61.  John, like others, probably thought Yeshua had come to set up His throne, but first He had to die; the time to set up His throne had not yet come.  John might have been thinking, “If you are the One, then why am I in prison?” 


Application:  Sometimes we too have doubts.  We question the timing of things sometimes.  “Why am I still …” (you fill in the blanks).  Face it, we will not understand everything this side of heaven!  Doubt is not a sin, but what we do with doubt may result in sin.  When you have doubts, do what John did, take them to Jesus!  He can take our questions and our doubts and help us understand His Word better or more fully.  Jesus replied to John with the Word of God.


Tomorrow we will talk about unbelief.  Study the two words.  How is doubt and unbelief different or the same? 


What do you think causes you to doubt the most?  Remember comment below as you think through some of these questions.  How did today’s passage speak to you?  Your comments/discussions can help others to know they are not alone when they doubt and your words may be the encouragement others need to hear today J


Prayer:  Father God, You are Holy and Just and True!  God we long for that final day when Your Kingdom is established forever.  We know that this world is not our home and just like John and the disciples we look for and hope for Your Kingdom.  Father help us when we have doubts to understand Your ways and Your plans better.  Grow us in our faith, even if that means stretching us a little bit outside of our comfort zones.  And Father while we long for good relationships with others we know that sometimes relationships get strained when we follow You and those around us don’t understand and they have their doubts or even unbelief.  Father strengthen us in those times to make You are prime focus and to know that You are in control and You will take care for us.  Thank You for Your Word.  Through Christ, our Messiah, I pray. Amen & Amen.

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