□ Ex. 29:44-46; Acts 7
Sanctification and in Acts - Stephen's defense. (1-50) Stephen reproves
the Jews for the death of Christ. (51-53) The martyrdom of
Stephen. (54-60)
S: 46 They
shall know [from personal experience] and acknowledge that I am the Lord their
God who brought them out …
But they didn’t according to Acts 7:43 “You
also took along the tabernacle (portable temple) of Moloch and the star of the
god Rompha …” They thought they could have
God + Moloch, but God is a jealous God.
He is not going to share the center stage (or backstage for that matter)
with any other person or thing in your life.
It is Christ alone!
Stephen calls them out on it in verse 51 “You
stiff-necked and stubborn people, uncircumcised in heart and ears, you are
always actively resisting the Holy Spirit. You are doing just as your fathers
O: I
find it interesting that Stephen spent several minutes recounting the history
of Israel to these well learned men of the council. Matthew Henry points out that one of Stephen’s
points in doing this was to reflect back on their very poor beginnings. They took a lot of pride in being Jewish and
Stephen points out that it was all God and had nothing to do with them.
Matthew Henry writes this in reflection of Verses 17-29
“Let us not be discouraged at the slowness of the fulfilling of God's promises.
Suffering times often are growing times …”
I was discussing this with my children yesterday about Moses. He was preserved from infancy for a special
plan and purpose. God takes care of his
servants. But it did take EIGHTY
YEARS! for Moses to be prepared and for
God’s timing to be perfect.
In regards to the temple Matthew Henry
points this out, “… none of our services can profit Him who made all things.
Next to the human nature of Christ, the broken and spiritual heart is his most
valued temple.” The leaders of that day
(and even in to this day) loved the idea of the temple and the ordinances. One of my prayers is that “doing” church
would not become more important to us then “being” a church body and Christ’s
“Stephen died as much in a hurry as ever
any man did, yet, when he died, the words used are, he fell asleep; he applied
himself to his dying work with as much composure as if he had been going to
sleep. He shall awake again in the morning of the resurrection, to be received
into the presence of the Lord, where is fullness of joy, and to share the
pleasures that are at his right hand, for evermore.” ~ Matthew Henry Concise
Commentary on Acts 7
Application #1) to submit daily to the Holy Spirit, 2) to know from
personal experience the LORD who brings me out and sanctifies me daily, 3) to
not mix other “gods” with my service to Jesus, 4) to be patient to wait on God’s
perfect timing and to prepare me fully for the works He has for me to do
(Ephesians 2:10) and lastly 5) to be careful not to put church and “doing”
above God, who is the head of the church.
Dear Jesus, I know You are my Deliverer; the One who has redeemed
me. May I remember on a daily basis that
You are the One who is in the process of making me more like Christ each
day. It is nothing I can do on my own
except to be willing to listen and obey You.
May I not resist the Holy Spirit’s work in my life, but to become a
daily sacrifice willing to do the things that You ask me to do. May I be careful to not bring along my own “gods”
as I seek to worship You each day, but to always remember it is Christ
Alone! Thank You for the good works that
You have prepared for me to do according to Ephesians 2:10; some I feel I have
already accomplished and some I look forward to doing and being used of
You. Thank You for being present in my
life. In Jesus’ Saving Name I pray, Amen
& Amen.
Michelle L. Kirkbride
Join me in studying God's Word
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