Saturday, January 30, 2016

Does God want us to be Happy :)

Proverbs 16:20 - He that handles a matter wisely shall find good and whoever trusts in the LORD happy is he.

The word translated in our English Bibles as happy is esher from the root word ashar.  Ashar means to go straight, make progress, be on the level, to lead on, to be made right, and to be made happy.  It can also mean to prosper or to be blessed.  Psalms 84 has several occurrences of this word and it talks about our happiness being tied into living in God's house, praising the LORD and finding our strength in Him.  Esher does mean happiness, but not the kind of happiness that depends on what happens around or to you.  It is a happiness based on a trust that the LORD has you in His hand and will use everything in your life for good.

Being blessed means we need to have lives built on a level foundation.  What is that foundation?  God's Word of course!  With the Bible as our foundation for how we live our lives, following His precepts, then we can prosper and be successful and blessed and, yes, happy!

Americans translate happiness in terms of prosperity and they translate prosperity many times in terms of wealth, but God's definition is different; as His ways often are.  God's definition of prosperity is being fully who God created you to be. 

What are your innate passions?  How has God built your character?  What are the desires of your heart?  For instance I love to write and study God's Word and learn new things and share it with others.  I have a heart for helping others.  I enjoy teaching and I don't mind public speaking. 

You see when we live life in the fullness of who God created us to be then we will find that inner peace and joy that you have knowing you are in the will of The Father and you are doing the things that he has made you to do. 

What are the things that energize and recharge your life? 

As we begin to seek the LORD, study His Word for precepts on which to build our lives (every aspect of our lives meaning how we parent, how we do business, how we have relationships, etc.) and begin praying for direction each day and then following His lead the more we will find that inner peace and happiness.  Then we demonstrate that outwardly being truly thankful and happy people and being grateful toward the God who blesses us. 

I pray this for you dear reader that you may know this kind of happiness of living the life He has called you to live.

For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works,
which God prepared in advance for us to do.
Ephesians 2:10

Love & Blessings,
  Michelle L. Kirkbride

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