Wednesday, July 24, 2013


In our Anything study today we were asked to read 2 Chronicles 7:11-22 and comment on verse 14, a familiar and often "over quoted" verse.  But do we understand what it means?  The context with which it comes?

I wanted a fresh perspective on this verse that is quoted so often so I went back to Chapters 5 & 6 and with tears read through Solomon's beautiful prayer. 

It says he got up on this elaborate bronze stage in the middle of the courtyard and then he got down on his knees and began to pray. I could sense the awe and humility of King Solomon as he was down on his knees. He was seeing God's promises come to fulfillment that his father, David, had said would come. There was probably a lot of emotion in that day for Solomon, perhaps wishing his father could be there to see it. So he knelt down and poured out his requests to God and this verse was God's response to Solomon's prayer. 

Everything Solomon asked for in his 42 verse prayer God answers in one simple verse ...

5:13 says HE IS GOOD AND HIS FAITHFUL LOVE CONTINUES FOREVER. There is no god like our God, Faithful to even just ONE person who cries out to Him (6:29). 

You are the God of Israel and there is NONE like You.  You keep Your promises, You are good and Your faithful love continues forever.

Blessings Abundant ...


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