Wednesday, May 25, 2016

5 Key Characteristics To Be Found Faithful

We are reading today from the Book of Matthew.  Our verses are taken from chapters 24:36–25: 30.

“… be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him …”

“Who then is the faithful and wise servant?”

Matthew 24:44b-45a

There are five key characteristics Jesus mentions here in these verses of a wise servant:
1.      They are careful with what is entrusted to them; they don’t mistreat it.
2.     They prepare ahead and have oil ready in their lamps.
3.     They keep watch.
4.    They use the talents, gifts, abilities and resources well that they have been given.
5.     They are not fearful and lazy, but faithful and laboring.

In these verses you can see we are being called into positive action!  Each one of us has been entrusted with something or someone(s) special.  It does not matter whether you are a parent, a teacher, an executive, a spouse, a choir member, a small business owner, a stay-at-home mom, a church leader or a person of any other title or responsibility – YOU are called into action!  Think about, or better yet, write down some or all of the thing(s) or people God has entrusted you with right now.  The list will look different for each and every one of us.  Then ask yourself these five questions:

1.       Am I mistreating that thing/person He has entrusted to me in any way?  The Scripture is Matthew 24:49 and it is talking about the servant who beat his fellow servants.  That word to “beat” simply means to “wound” “by repeated blows” or to “offend”.  This can be physical or it can be with our words.  Jesus wants us to be careful with His Creation – with the created things and the created people He has placed in your life.
2.     Am I putting oil in my lamp?  The children’s song, “Give me oil in my lamp, keep me burning, burning, burning …” is playing in my head as I think of this point.  We don’t want to burn out, but we need to continue to burn.  Notice the virgins who were waiting for their bridegroom bought the oil ahead of time.  Even though they fell asleep, they were ready when the call came in.  They were prepared.  We all get tired!  We may even fall asleep for a season, but God is calling us to be prepared!  Be prepared for His return, be prepared when you are called on to act on a certain matter and be prepared even when those around you are not.  This oil comes from spending time with the Father and having that ongoing relationship with Him.
3.     Are you being watchful?  This word in Greek means to “give attention, to be cautious and active, to rise up, to construct, to be active, to take a stand and to be vigilant”.  Why does Jesus say this important?  Matthew 25:13 says we watch because we don’t know the hour so we want to be ready at all times.  Have you ever been talking to yourself or you trip a little and you look around to make sure no one is watching?  Or perhaps you said something you shouldn’t have and were glad no one else heard you?  We don’t want to be caught unawares or when Jesus returns we don't want to be caught “tripping”.  We have to be so very vigilant!
4.    Are you putting everything you have to the very best use?  Your time, your money, your body, your home, your family – everything you have and are has come from Him and we must use it to the very best.  He wants to use His formula of multiplication in our lives.  For example, if you give Him 10 minutes in the morning I can almost guarantee you will have more time later in the day to accomplish more than you thought possible.  He rewards those who diligently seek Him.  Be generous with and for Him and you will be amazed at how it comes back to you!
5.     Lastly are you being fearful to do more or give more or are you being 100% faithful with everything that He has given you?  Sometimes we are called on by God and we feel stretched beyond our capacity.  This can lead to a feeling of fear or dread.  Take these feelings to Him and be a faithful follower!  Your labor for Him will not go unnoticed!

These questions will challenge us at our core, but they are not meant by any means to condemn you, but simply to get you and I to think where and how we can be more faithful and more wise.  Jesus never will ask more of us than we are capable of doing, but sometimes we need that challenge, that "annual" check-up to make sure we are still on track!  May God bless you as you seek to be wise and faithful on the journey!

Heavenly Father, these are challenging words.  Father I pray that they would challenge us to do a heart check, to make sure that our oil lamps are full, but please do not let these words condemn.  If we are falling short, and we will probably fall short, let us take these shortages to you God and let you fill us up.  Let us not be discouraged or weary in well-doing, but to continue to seek You and Your direction and be willing to follow You faithfully even when it means to do the hard work.  Through Christ I pray, Amen & Amen.

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