Friday, April 15, 2016

How to have a life without worry

Scripture:  Matthew 6:16–34


“Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink;

or about your body, what you will wear” (v.25)


Observation:  This past week was challenging in a lot of ways.  One of our family pets died and I’m watching my husband go through that grieving process.  It also meant we incurred some unexpected vet bills.  My son had a dental procedure which also incurred some extra expenses.  Summer is coming which means (as a teacher) I will not have a steady income and with summer comes the hope and expectation for summer camps for the kids and perhaps some “vacation” type wishes.  With spring here it also means my husband has started our garden and started watering it twice a day and the water bill came in last night and was up $25.00 more than usual.  Then I read … “Do not worry about your life …”


I’ve walked this journey long enough to know my Jehovah Jireh, my GREAT Provider, will provide so I don’t worry like I used to, but I still wonder how it will all come together and how every need will be met.  I’ve seen Him provide in amazing and unexpected ways through unexpected refunds or a special gift from a friend or $20.00 left on my car from someone whose heart was moved by God to help us and in so many other ways. 


Perhaps this is not your journey.  Perhaps there are other things that bring you wondering on some level.  Sometimes it is just wondering, but if we are not careful that wondering will turn into worry.


So how do we keep ourselves from worry?  The first thing He says is this, “Do you not know you are valuable?”  He says that He takes care of the birds and the flowers and we are SO MUCH MORE valuable to Him than they are.  He feeds them and makes them beautiful in every way.  He can and will do the same for us.  We keep ourselves from worrying by knowing our value to the God of the Universe, our Creator and Sustainer.


Secondly Christ asks a valid question, “Can all your worrying add any time to your life?”  Of course not, if anything it drains it away.  I’m good about “solving” all of my life’s problems in bed when I wake up.  If I wake up at 2 a.m. I can lay there and think about things for HOURS!  What have I really solved?  I won’t have to worry about being tired anymore because I will be tired!  Sometimes when I wake up at a more decent hour around 5 a.m. if I allow myself to do it, I will lay there and begin to pray before I get up, but then sometimes that prayin’ turns into thinkin’ and then I find myself not having enough time in the morning to do what needs done, which then creates stress.  Again overthinking something or just plain worrying does nothing to add time to our lives – it just takes it away and creates other problems like stress which produces other problems like strained relationships, etc.


Years ago a good friend of mine responded to me in an angry way.  I had not done anything that I could think of to upset her.  I made a conscious choice that every time she came to mind that day I would give it to God.  I would say a 5-6 word prayer – nothing long, just God you know this situation or I give this person to you.  I just turned it over to Him minute by minute, hour by hour – whenever the person came to mind.  I could have mulled over it, planned out my response, made a plan to win her back over or any other number of things we try to do to work out our problems, but for that day I decided I would give it to the Lord.


The next morning the person approached me and apologized.  She said it had nothing to do with me.  I’m not even sure she explained everything that was going on, but she came to me.  That was God!  I didn’t have to worry or fret over losing my best friend at the time.  I didn’t have to make a big deal or a big plan on how to fix it.  God took care of it!  Since then I have used this method of turning things over to Him.  It doesn’t always work in less than 24 hours, and sometimes I forget that I have turned something over and then a week or a month or two later something happens in my life and then I remember, “Hey I prayed about this!”  And I see His answer in unexpected ways.  RARELY is it ever the way I think it will come about!!!


I’ve heard it said that God can do more in five minutes with something we place in His hands then we can do in five years of trying to do it ourselves.  I know this to be true from my own experiences.  The next time you are prone to worry about something I encourage you to turn it over to Him.  You may have to keep turning it over, but EVERY TIME that person or situation comes to mind just say, “God I give it to you.”  Then choose NOT to think about it.  If you still want to think or mull or talk about it to everyone you meet just pray again, “God I give it to you.”  You may feel like you are having to do this 100 times a minute, but I can almost bet that your faith will be increased and so will your joy as you focus on Him and His kingdom (vs. 33) and see how He works it all out.


Application:  Do you have a testimony of how God has helped you to overcome worry in a particular situation.  Share it today in the comments and encourage one another.  Are you a worrier?  Do you deal with anxiety?  After reading these verses how can you apply them to your own life?


Prayer:  Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us today how valuable we are to You.  God it is not just those of us who seek You on a regular basis either that are valuable to You, but ALL people matter to You.  You are a God who takes care of everything and everyone You have created from the tiniest flowers to each person on this earth.  God I pray that we would let You be God and that we would give over ANYTHING that concerns us today from the tiniest concern to the ones that are weighing big on our heart.  EVERYTHING matters to You God.  EVERYTHING!  Thank you for seeing us through this week.  I know some weeks are harder to get through than others.  I thank You for the Sabbath rest that is coming this weekend and for the blessing of stopping and resting and resetting our minds on things above.  Thank You for Your love and care and for meeting each need that we have.  Through Christ I pray.  Amen & Amen.


As we come to this weekend, is there anything we can pray for you with?

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