Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Two steps forward, one step back

Read Leviticus 10:1-3 and Acts 16


“…the Lord alone can open the heart to receive and believe his word.” ~ Matthew Henry


Scripture – Observation – Application - Prayer


S:  “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved—you and your household.”  Acts 16:31


O:  Timothy joins Paul in his missionary journeys.  As a result of the journeys many people including Lydia and the Philippi jailor and his family were brought to salvation, but not without opposition.  The people who began the revolt against Paul and his fellow missionaries were those who were angry at losing their income, but the Bible tells us we do not war against flesh and blood, but against powers and principalities that rule this earth.  Paul and his friends were fighting against a very real enemy who wanted to thwart the true teaching of the gospel.  It’s as if Paul would make two steps forward seeing Lydia and her house coming to salvation and being baptized and then make a step back into a beating and jail, but then he would make two more steps forward and the jailor and his family would come to know Christ through that ordeal and then he would make another step back by having to leave that region.  But still the gospel was making headway and even with his one step back they were still experiencing victory in sharing the gospel.


When Paul and Silas were "one step back" notice what they did in verse 25, "But about midnight, as Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns of praise to God, and the [other] prisoners were listening to them ..." Notice, it was in the darkest part of the night and they were "praying and praising" ... It is in praying and praising (even in the darkest moments we face) they were able to move two steps forward again ... something to ponder! The song "I will praise you in the storm" comes to mind ...


A:  Sometimes I feel like Paul doing this “two step dance”.  I feel like I make headway and then fall back and make a little headway and then fall back.  I am encouraged by the accounts of Paul because it shows me that even when I seem to be going backwards God is using it to work out his good will and pleasure.


P:  Dear Jesus,  Thank you for Your WORD!  Thank you for the examples of the real lives of people like Paul, Timothy and his family dynamics, Lydia and the jailor and all those who we read about today.  LORD, these stories encourage me in my personal walk with You.  They help me to be reminded that even when it seems like I’m going backwards that as long as we continue to stick with You that we are still in “the game”.  We are still fighting the good fight and as long as we are with You then WE ARE on the winning “team”.  God You are the Victorious One!  Strengthen us and encourage us today as we continue to keep our eye on the mark of our high calling in You.  Thank you for calling us and for letting us be a part of something much bigger than sometimes we realize.  In Jesus’ Mighty Name, Yeshua the Messiah I pray.  Amen & Amen.

DISCUSSION QUESTION:  Paul was beaten and thrown in prison, but God used that situation for good to bring the jailor and his family to salvation.  What are you willing to go through, endure or suffer in order that one person or one family will come to the saving knowledge of Christ?

“…do not sin, for nothing but that can hurt thee [and] the Lord will make [you] more than conquerors in every conflict; instead of being cast down by [your] sufferings, [let them] become comforters [to your] brethren.” ~ Matthew Henry

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for writing this blog! I love to hear your heart and your thoughts on His word!
With love, your sister in 'the two-step' :-)