Thursday, May 5, 2016

The Greatest Storyteller, Part 4

Theme:  The Great Storyteller:  The Parable of the blind leading the blind


Scripture:  Matthew 14:13–36, Matthew 15:1–20


Observation:  There are two sections in this passage of Matthew.  The first talks about what Jesus did when He heard that his cousin had been murdered.  We talked some about this in a previous study.  Jesus did what most of us would do when we lose someone close to us – he withdrew for a time, but then we see Jesus, full of compassion, ministering to the needs of others, and then again withdrawing for prayer.  (14:13-23)


After this time He continued his work and ministry of healing.  (14:22-36) Once again we see this work being challenged by the scribes and the Pharisees.  He pointed them back to the law, the Ten Commandments, and again told them a parable or a story.  (15:1-20)  In this parable we see again the great need for deep understanding of the truths of God.  It is not enough to know the law; He wants us to know the intent and the spirit by which He intended us to keep it.  As we have seen so much already in the Book of Matthew – His intent, as always, is to get His Word in our hearts.  This is what is important to be clean, not just the outward appearances, but our inner thoughts and motives.


Application:  Let the Lord search our hearts today and cleanse us from anything that is not of Him.


Prayer:  Father in Heaven, May we find times today to withdraw and be alone with You as Jesus did.  In these times Father may we be willing to have our hearts examined by You and cleansed from anything that does not please You.  Help us to be full of understanding.  Shine Your light into all the crevices.  Fill our hearts and minds with things of Your Word, not just for knowledge, but so that we can live out Your love and grace with all those who come in our path today.  In Jesus’ mighty, saving, cleansing name I pray.  Amen & Amen.

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